America's Next Top Model Auditions 2018
New Update for ANTM Cycle 20 Casting!!!

America’s Next Top Model Cycle 20 Auditions
It’s here once again. Your chance to make your modeling dreams a reality on the world’s most popular reality TV modeling competition. Cycle 20 of America’s Next Top Model has been officially announced and open casting calls are being scheduled now. You can submit yourself today for your shot at modeling greatness!
For almost 10 years America’s Next Top Model has been responsible for changing the face of the modeling industry and for discovering and introducing a number of the most talented models working today to audiences around the world. ANTM has always been on the cutting edge of model discovery and Cycle 20 will be no exception. For this all new season the world’s number 1 modeling competition series will be recruiting both women AND men for the challenge of a career and the experience of a lifetime. Now aspiring models of both sexes will be chosen by the fabulous Tyra Banks and her team of modeling industry luminaries and given the chance to live in the ANTM house as they test themselves both physically and mentally in weekly challenges. Once again the millions of fans watching at home will have direct influence over who stays, who goes and who is ultimately crowned the newest America’s Next Top Model Champion.
So get ready all you up and coming models both male and female – your chance to take the ANTM crown is almost here! The first open audition times and sites have just been announced and listed below and there will be more to come in the new year! If you don’t see a city near you listed you can apply online for consideration today. If you are interested in applying you can send an email here with your name, age, weight, height, phone number, email, city and three photos of yourself. Be sure to put your first and last name and the city and state you live in in the subject line. For more information on Cycle 20 you can go We will update you as soon as more casting call dates are announced so keep checking back to this page and be sure to leave a comment for us below and tell us why you should be the next America’s Next Top Model.
Ladies AND gentlemen, get ready to strut your stuff in this historic new edition of the modeling competition that started it all. Apply today for your chance to take the ANTM title in the first ever co-ed America’s Next Top Model!
Click here for Open Casting Call Dates And Locations
Find More Modeling Jobs 2018 in Your Area: Add Yourself to the list Below:
Hello, my name is Jamari’a Hathorn. I am 20 years old. I wear a size 4 in jeans, I weigh 130 lbs, in bra I wear 36 B, i am 5’8″, I have hazel eyes and brown hair. I was born and raised in Sandusky, OH. I currently live in Columbus, OH. I moved away from Sandusky because they were not any opportunites there. I wanted to make something out of my life, so I decided to got to school. I’ve always wanted to be a model. My role models and inspiration have always been Tyra Banks and Beyonce. When I was younger, I was not able to afford modeling school. Now that I am older, I can make a way for myself. Although, putting school on hold for 9 months, is a huge risk that I am taking, I know that in the end, when I become America’s Top Model, it will all be worth it. I will succeed and I will help be an inspiration to the world. I am just a young woman who is trying to make it in this world and to give back to everyone. This will not only fulfill my dreams but this will fulfill my family dreams and this will build me into a strong, confident woman who has faith in herself. This will change my life forvever. If you can just give me this push, I will fly forever. This is from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you all!
I am very interested and would like to receive a email back thank you!
African and Native American
I’m 18 | Puerto Rican | 5’5 | 110 pounds , I’m petite && i love modeling .
I’ve been turned down for modeling plenty of times because of my weight and height until this one time I got called back . I’ve out it on pause because I was still young and I didn’t think I was ready to be homeschooled and more . But now that I’m 18 nd graduation in June I think I’m ready . Been chasing my dreams since I was 8 nothing stopped me && now it’s time to make my dreams come true . I’ve been watching your show since I was small and I never stopped now I wanna be one of those girls in ya show !
I’m aspiring to be a model
I’m 17years old with
Blue eyes with
Brown Hair that’s got a mix of most hair colors all natural
Naturally curly
Hi, I’m Rebekah I am ITALIANO 6″1 I weigh 135 pounds. I just turned 25. I am originally from Orange County NY,and residing in Newport News VA. I am honestly a huge fan of the show as we’ll as you MS.TYRA ,YOUR MY IDOL BECAUSE I AM FIERCE RIGHT ALONG WITH YOU, and because the strength you have and give to these women and I who have dreams of becoming stars so that puts the inspiration in me and the other women who look up to you and up and formost the beauty that you are and that I see EVERYTIME I watch the show! I am 120% ready to become a TOP MODEL AND NOTHING STANDING IN MY WAY. I am ready to audition!
Greetings to all who are reading,
I’ve been watching ANTM since before I can remember,although I am unexperienced in the modeling industry i do believe this is a great way to get started. I am mega confident (not concited). I would also love to show the young male and female America that you can be intelligent, sophisticated, brave, confident, and beautiful all in one breath. I plan on going to the ANTM audition in Tallahassee Fl and the audition in Tampa!!!!!! Im ready to be Americas Easy Breezy Beautiful NEXT TOP MODEL!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, my name is Ashleigh Fisher and I am 21 years old. I have been interested in modeling/runway since I was 10 years old. I am 5’8 and 139 pounds brown hair and eyes. I have trying and striving to somehow make it into the Fashion Industry, so I find trying out for Americas Next Top Model to be an awesome chance and experience to make a better life for me and my son!! So in order to get what I want in life, I have to chase my dream and modeling is it!! Thank You
i am 19 years old from portland jamaica modeling have been a dream of mine as far as i can remember… its my passion and i know its my destiny, i have no doubt that ill come out on top all i want is one shot and that is it!!!
I am 18 years old, I have some experience in modeling but I know that being in ANTM would give me the tools to reach my full potential. Since I was a little girl it has always been my dream to be on this show and represent all the beautiful, intelligent latin women. I am 5’3″, with lots of confidence and potential. I am willing to drop everything for this opportunity.
My name is Morgan I am 22 years old I’m 5’3″ and 85 lbs. I’ve wanted to model my whole life; there is such a poise and grace in modeling that is so visually and personally gratifying. I never fit in anywhere and I want to prove to everyone that outcasts like me can be accepted and considered beautiful. I’d love nothing more than to represent an alternative body type to promote beauty in diversity and would be honored to work for world renowned designers and brands. Please please consider petites for this cycle or another petite cycle we are underdogs with so much to give. Fierce and love!
When will next auditions for young men be in Los Angeles?
I have been inspiring to be a model for a long time . I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for me to play out my dream. I am 5’3 and 20 I hope there would b a casting call very close to me if not i will do what I have to do to get there. Thank you
D.O.B: October 11, 1988
Hair Color: dark brown and golden tips
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’2
Weight: 169
Hi tyra i’m shantal from oakland ca i always wanted to model i never had the courage to until i got older kids use to be mean when i was younger guys never liked me now i got older and blossom out they do but not more than the lighter girls i want them to know dark skin girls is pretty too i’m ready for my destiny i cant wait to model i can just see my self alot girls want to make it but with my faith in god i know i will be next thanks tyra maybe we can go out for lunch 🙂
I always wanted to model never had the courage i am 19 now and i think its my destiny
D.O.B: April 29,1993
Hair Color: cinniamon brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’6
Weight: 123
Bust 32B
Shoe Size: 7
this has always been a life long dream. email a soon as possible. My family is not fortunate so Ive never been able too pursue this. I feel like it is my time and my life would be complete, even if i dont win.
Hello Tyra and friends,
I am very interested in these adutions but feeling a little discourged because I’m only 5’3. I do feel I have what it takes to become America’s Next Top Model even though I’m a little height challenged. I love the modeling world and everything about it, and I would really apreicate it if you all could contact me via email about the adution information.
Age: 19
Height: 5’3
Weight: 113
English is poor but I like the show
I am very interested in auditioning for cycle 20 of ANTM. How do I get more information?
If it possible,I am following the air on CW with Facebook. I’m not up on twitter yet but i do have one . i really would like this opportunity to show what i feel I needed to be express
Again but this time nickname; DE’MODEL aka Khadijah Williams
To: Ms America’s Next Top Model aka De’Model
Modeling has been my dream since I was a little girl. I love the camera just as much as the camera loves me. Doing small gigs here and there I always keep what I have learned on the show in mind. I am only 5’5 and in the first season I learned from Eva what I can do to appear taller =). Tyra you also taught me to smeyes.!!!!
Open casting “
Will there be Season 21 auditions?
Please bring more modeling auditions for show like America’s Next Top Model to Alabama? There are girls down in the south that want an opportunity at modeling also! Maybe even do an ALABAMA EDITION in the upcoming season. I am located in Evergreen, AL.
P.S. I love the show and watch it all the time, but my alter ego tells me that this should be you showing the world what you’ve got. So, please consider my idea!!!!
Hi! =)
I’m 18 years old .my height is 5”2 1/2. Weight 119.I am a collage student at the Art Institute Of Austin. I am very outgoing, bubbly and willing to try new things. I have been watching ANTM since i was 10. I’m originally from the Quad Cities in Illinois, but i live in Killeen, TX. It has been my passion to model and to express myself in many ways other then my art work.To be able to have my picture taken for everyone to see makes me not only happy but also the feeling of inspiring someone else to wanna follow there dream. I am hoping i may have a chance to show what potential i have to bring to the table. ^—^ Please and Thank You!
My name is Breanne or (Bre). Watching your show has deffinetly boosted my confidence. I’m constantly taking pictures of myself just trying to find the best one, and having friends and family critique them. When i do this sometimes i think to my self what would tyra or ms.j say about these pictures. I’ve never done any sort of modeling really. I did do one fashion show when i was younger for fashion bug where we had to where an out fit of there choosing and walk down an isle of there store it wa a lot of fun and i could see myself do it as a high fashion model. If i got the chance to b on the show i feel confident in myself enough to make it to the top, even with no experience in modeling. Going into it with no experience is probly the best way to go, like driving a car, that way you learn the right way and dont have those bad habbits you’ve already formed.
Im 5’7 about 115 lbs size 1-2.
I have a great attitude and fun personality once i break out of my shy shell. 🙂
hello, my name is lonyea (lonney) fane i stand at 5’10 and im 130lbs ive been trying to break into modeling since i was 16 i am now 22 years old i would really like more information on antm cycle 21
Why hello Ms. Tyra!
I may be late for this casting call, but I have recently turned 19 in July and want to pursue a career in modeling before it is too late! I am a go getter, with confidence and the desire to succeed. I have no insecurities and willing to go to any length it takes to be the best. I am 5’9″ size 0, 107 pounds, fair and clear complexion, and very well proportioned and as a dancer, I am in great shape and love to pose with fierce, elegance. Very interested in your next casting call! I dont like to disappoint, so I cant wait to give this my best shot and see how far it takes me!
Xoxo! -T
hello Tyra Banks,
hello my name is Tarra Bartee from Bronx , New York . and I have heard bout this modeling industries for years ever since I have been watching the Victoria secret runways on television . it has inspired to have the motivation and the courage to be runner up for casting auditions. I am an 18 high school graduate of 2013. my height is 5’7, I weight 133 pounds, in jeans I wear a size 5 and in shirts I wear a size small and in shoes I wear a size 8-9 .It has always been my dream to someday become a model since I was a little girl,I feel that I have the next face to be appearing on high ranked fashion and modeling magazines.I hope you take your time out and review this comment it would be a very helpful consideration and it would be an honor and a privilege to be next to be modeling in Americas Next Top Model. Thank you and have a nice day.
I wanted to know when is the auditions for ANTM Cycle 21 ???
Please update the time and dates
I am interested in audition in cycle 20. Please update me where you will be coming close to Memphis Tennessee
To be a model, it takes more than just pretty face. I think modeling is an expressive art form and tells a story without words. I know that this is something i can do. Modeling has been my dream. I am 5’4” and i weigh 93 pounds. My hair is brown and curly, my eyes are hazel. I am slim and proportioned and even though i am petite i still hope and pray that you choose me because i know what i am capable of and i know you wouldn’t regret it.
I always wanted to be a model but i always believed that i was always to akward, but then i thought…. who said that akward cant be sexy. I’m 22, 5′ 9.. I think i will try.
I would love an opportunity to become America’s Next Top Model, I am passionate and creative and have an outgoing, fun personality! Of course I have my weaknesses but I strive to better myself each day. This would not only be an opportunity for myself but for my family and two beautiful boys who mean the world to me! I see modeling as a form of art where you can express yourself through imagery and non verbal actions. It’s a rush just thinking of the endless possibilities and world changing opportunities that can transpire through just one image!
My name is whitney savannah benson, I have an aspiration for modeling deeply. I have tried to get my foot in the door but I have yet to establish myself at all. I stand at 5’3, 120 lbs, It sounds like I weigh a lot but I honestly have a petite frame I just have a curvy figure. I hope that maybe one day they will have another petite cycle so I can show what I have and get tips on how to better myself. Thank you 🙂
I just turned 18 years old and have been waiting for this day to come. I watch all all the shows and then the reruns. All my little nieces watch them with me and are practicing for when they grow up! I am 6’2″ tall, 145 lbs, slim build, well proportioned, blue eyes, beautiful smile, skin and hair. I am also a 4.0 student in my final few months of high school right now. I graduate in May and will be attending college unless I am a candidate for AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL! I am ready to show you what I have.
My name is Natalie. I’m 26, 5’5 135Lbs. It’s always been my dream to try out for antm.! I love playing dress up, I’m no stranger to heels. I love fashion, good art and great food and would like the opportunity to be antm’s Next beautiful masterpiece unleashed. However, auditions are over I would just like to ask that you please hold another petite season while I am still young. Help me prove that antm lives in Clovis NM. Blesses and have a nice day.
Hi Tyra!
My name is Marina, and I would obviously LOVE to model. Ive had the dream to model sense age 5 and am finally old enough to chase it. I’m from a small town in Pennsylvania. It’s about an hour away from Philly. I would love to get a chance to be on Americas Next Top Model if anything to just be able to get the experience and learn some things about the industry. I realize it’s cut throat, and I’m more then willing to put everything I have into getting into the industry. I’m 18, and 5’9″ at about 115 lbs. I would love to be able to show you what I have to offer if given the chance. I’m praying everyday you consider me! Thank you so much. I hope I get the chance to meet and even work with you someday!
Oh My God!!!!!!!! of course I would love to audition for ANTM, I’ve watched this show since it started and I want to remind America and the judges that latinas have what it takes to make it to the top and I am one of them. I am driven to this, extremely passionate and absolutely have all the energy, time, patience, dedication, for this competition.
Hiy name is Tiara and I recently auditioned for cycle 20 in Wyncote, PA and I just wanted to know when you guys were going to start notifying everyone who is making it to the next round…?
The reason I know that I have what it takes to be ANTM is because I have had a passion for this type of career since childhood. I was blessed w/a beautiful face and a beautiful and natural “runway walk” that needs to hit more and more cameras/runways all over the world! I am strong, competitive, and follow directions very well-not to mention I can handle criticism very well also.(25 years old, 5’8, 160 lbs) YOU WILL NOT REGRET YOUR DECISION ONCE YOU PICK ME! TRUST! 🙂
Hey my name is Khalif Havens,
I just found out the next cycle of “America’s Next Top Model” will be co-ed
I’ve been a fan of the show since I was a kid. I’m 20 years old standing at about 5’11 and I weight 187lbs.
I’ve been playing football all my life and never have had the time to branch out into other things.
Never been extremely confident in my looks but said why not give it a shot. Basically what I’m asking is, is it to late to audition for the show?
Hey! I’m Heather Hudzinski from Orland Hills, IL! I am 19 years old, 5’7″, and 115lbs! I know I could have a great chance of winning America’s Next Top Model! I would be perfect for this competition because I can take criticism well, I am very smart, poised, and the girl-next-door. I never try to be anything but myself and I believe I could be a great role model for all girls wanting to chase their dreams. I am kind of new to the modeling world, But I have a love for photography and having my picture taken. I have done a couple photoshoots before, and doing them makes me feel so comfortable. It is when I feel most happy and confident! I would almost anything for this chance to prove to you all that I am what your looking for! 🙂
Hi, Tyra
My name is Tova brown i’m 21 from Baltimore Maryland
Let me start by saying i love you so much and i love ANTM I know I am ANTM because i was born to be a model I live for the camera and the runway and i got a smile of a cover girl i would love to get the the opportunity to come on your show and show you and the rest of the world a wonderful women with great talent.
Hi Tyra & Co.! I am excited that you are accepting males on ANTM! I am from Detroit, MI. I work for the city of Detroit as a security officer. I would like a job that doesnt require me to be so mean. LOL! More importantly, that doesnt put my life at risk everyday. I don’t hav any children and I’ve never been married but I do want both! I am tall bt can’t play a lick of baskettball! I wasn’t blessef for that talent. People say I am shy and I an in most ways but I am a race cat driver and builder and in that way, I’m bold! So give me a chance and pick me as a contestant!
Hello, my name is Elani Malone. It’s definitely not pronounced the way most people first pronounce it either. I currently stand at 6 foot and 1 inch without heels. I have a very slender body, blue eyes, bright white smile, energetic attitude, and a great outlook on life. I believe that I would be an excellent pick for the ANTM Cycle 20 because I know I have what it takes to shine indifferently from others. This opportunity would fulfill my life long dream.
OMG antm u guys just don’t know how much I wanna be a model I get so many compliments walking down the street saying that I need to be modeling so here I am trying. It out I’m 22in I’m ready I think I got what it takes better yet tyra I know I got what it takes .I’m 5″9136pounds
!I’m from Oakland CA. I could be first one from the bay lol love Marie
propper diet and excercise. if you can go to a gym, do that. if not, a coulpe or hours of jogging/walking a day is ok. and hour in the morning and an hour before bed will do.also, focus your diet on eating high protein-low fat foods, such as eggs, checken breast, red meats, fish, vegetables and salads.
My name is Tasha. Im 21 years old. Im 5’3. Im from Newark, New Jersey but currently reside in Virginia. Since I was younger Ive always wanted to model. Ive been in bridal shows (modeling bridesmaids dresses) ive also walked in fashion shows at my college. I would really love to be apart of ANTM.
Dear ANTM professionals,
The one and only: Jenny Ailes. I am 22 years old.
My Weight: 135 lbs.
My Height: 5’9”
I believe I am America’s next top model because I am confident, independent, determined, and organized. I also have a great attitude. All of which are all the qualities needed to be a successful model. I am confident. I can do whatever I put my mind to including being model. I am independent and I love to travel. I am determined to be the best at all that I do. I am competitive; I push myself to the limit. I am also highly organized: Never late and always prepared. I also have a positive attitude in all that I do. All in all, I want to be Americas Next Top Model.
Hi My Name Is Jamie Humphries I’m 20 5’7 ,Weigh110 …I Live In Chicago,Il Born and Raised African American Girl. I Always Dreamed Being A Model But My Flaws And Shy Personality Won’t Let Me,But I’m Really Willing To Overcome My Shy Ways And Make ANTM Proud Of Me. I Love Dressing Up And Being Skinny….I’m Made For This I Believe In Myself
Im lexi Drew Copeland, Not to sure how this will work out but to have been watching this show since i was 10 or 11 years young i feel as though i have what it takes!! Im 5’10 about 146 pounds and a personality that will blow your mind !! Im a strong young lady age 17 going on 21 “hahah”
I Know i have what it takes im a unique fashion diva no questions asked, Please give me this chance to show yall what I got ! By the way im From Wausau WI and im ready to be known respected and amazed by the things I will accomplish by this !!
When I, Cory Dilley, ascertained information about ANTM’s Cycle 20 incorporating male models i jumped and smiled in joy. Then to hear that ANTM was commuting to Madison, Wisconsin, i pretty much gyrated from the ground. Today, I turned 24 and am rocking major sex appeal. What ANTM needs is a model with intrinsinc devotion, confidence, determination, originality, and beauty; moreover, I have it all. I am America’s Next Top Model! Dreams are everything and then some, but to make dreams happen I know every ounce of fight must be conveyed from the heart to the world. Thank you, Tyra, for showing your heart and making dreams reality.
City/State: Madison, Wisconsin
Gender: male
Age: 24
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: sandy blonde/ light brown
Mood: Zoodikers!
Hi guys my name is briana henry better known as Brie, I’m 20 years old 5’9′ and have a passion for fashion and modeling. I’ve dreamt of being a model all my life and I would be so blessed if you guys have me the opportunity to live my dream. 🙂
I know you always hear how a lot of people of afraid begin to show themselves. However, iv actually been watching this show and it made me realize you don’t have to be supper skinny or petite to model. They want you to be. I’m confident that everything that’s on my body , face , and anything else i want to see on t.v. and magazines! I’m 21 years old , black african american , i’m 5’5 , i weigh about 185. I’m working on a diet so i can lose because when i come to win ANTM you’ll be amazed. I’m doing this for my son , i wanna show him that i was picked on in younger years about me looking different. Guess what though your MOM made it to the modeling industry. Always wanted to travel and learn and do things. Thats what’s life’s about right ?! lol Hope To Hear From You!!
My name is Scharron Caldwell. I am 20 years old and 5’9. I have been in modeling agencies, fashion shows, beauty pageants since the age of 3. I believe I should be in this cycle because not only do I believe I am beautiful and confident. I have also been lifelong committed to modeling. This has always been my dream and aspiration and I will not stop at any measure. I will try hard at all times and work my way to the top. I am presentable at all times. I know that I have what it takes to be on the show if not be America’s Next Top Model.
Hi! My name is jasmine Stubblefield, I’m 19 and currently a college student. I am from Paducah Ky but I currently live in Lexington. I have always dreamed of being a model since I could walk!! Unfortunately I am shorting stacking up to a whopping 5’2″ which makes it hard to compete in the modeling game since most people want tall people, but I believe I have what it takes and if you got to know me my height wouldn’t matter :). People always stop me and say I should be a model so I would like to have a chance to say I was on ANTM and made it to the top!
I really wish I could audition, but im in Minnesota
My Mom just recently informed me about the Auditions that are being held in Philadelphia on Friday. Will I need to have done an app or video submission before hand to enter or go to the audition?
are you having any casting calls in Rhode Island? or close to it!
can’t wait to make it through try outs!!! 🙂
Hello! I am Melody Hayes! I am 23 years of age And I want to be America’s Next Top Model! I can do all things thru christ who strengthens me! I am 5’4! African American! Nothing is to hard for me with God on my side!
Hi! My name is Chelsea Pointer and I’m 17 years old. I live in New Orleans, Louisiana and love modeling. Although I sing, play basketball, and draw, modeling is my true passion. I’m kinda “artsy”, but I think that’s my own special quality. I’ve always wanted to audition for ANTM and have a true passion for modeling and fashion. Through my drawing, I have lots of original clothing designs. But for me, the opportunity to become America’s Next TOP Model would be awesome!! All I need is the chance…
Hello, my name is Oyinade Shonaike and I am 20 years old. I am from Los Angeles, CA but currently live in Phoenix, AZ. I am 5’11 and weight in at about 142. I have always aspired to be a model because my family members have always told me that I should become a model, growing up. I am a writer and going to school for a bachelors of science in special elementary education, but have always wanted to do some modeling on the side. I have never done any modeling before, but I am willing to learn and challenge myself. I am slim and tall. I have an exotic look to me because i am half nigerian and just african american for the other half. I am very photogenic, ive been told. My smile is great and I have dimples and my eyes are brown and almond shaped. I would really enjoy being apart of the new set of women and being considered for the show. I have seen a few seasons and have learned some things. I hope to be considered for this next season. Thank you for your time.
~ Oyinade
Hi my name is Cedelia Clark I am 18, I weight 128 and I am 5 foot 8
I always thought about being a model but I wasn’t sure it was for me. Now that I’m 18 I think it would be a good opportunity for me to find what I really want to do with my life in the future. I am Jamaican and Cuban. I have a dark-medium complexion and I have short dark and light brown hair. I wear glasses and have very dark brown eyes. I find this to be a good step in my life and when i put my mind on something, i try every i have to succeed at it. If i don’t make it I will not stop here.
Thank you for your time.
Hi. My name is Lawren, I’m 18 and I’m 5’6″ in a half. I have what it takes to be America’s next top model. I have the most confidence you’ll ever see in anyone, I’m very strong and willing to do Any thing it takes to make it to the number one spot. This has been my dream for as long as I remember and I’m finally ready to make my dreams come true. If I am chosen TRUST me you will not regret your decision. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I look forward to meeting you ALL.
Hello, I would love to be apart of this show. I am 6’2 170 lbs dark brown hair hazel eyes. 32-34. I was born and raised in Las Vegas and done some modeling here, and there. I have always just wanted to be given a shot, and this seems like this is my chance.
wow om omg omg ive ben waiting and searching!!! its here!!! finally!!! ANTM is such an inspiration to me i watch the show with tears of joy in my eyes. i love photograph and i love to communicate with the camera. modeling the runway has bena vision of mine since i was a young child not evan in school yet. as i grew a little well alot considering i grew taller than everone around me…lol… modeling agents from friends of the family told me im a sure thing to be living my visions of the runway! thank you tyra and thr entire crew for this opportunity!
Hi there! My name is tori and this has always been my dream! I am 5’7 and 105 pounds. I feel like this show would be my way to prove to the world that I’m not just an awkwardly tall skinny girl with an odd sense of fashion! I live on a tiny barrier island in and would love to get out and experience the rest of the world!
Hi, my name is Lauren Perrotta.
I’m 21 years old from Jersey, standing with no shoes I am about 6’1″. Yes, about six feet & one inch. I have brown hair and brown eyes. My whole life I was always told I should be a model, & since I have been watching Americas Next Top Model since Cycle 1, it’s always been a fantasy. Why not give it a try?
To be completely honest, I’m pretty shy & self conscious about my height and I feel as if pursuing modeling would make me more confident. Most girls are 5’7″ & 6’0″ with 5″ platform heels. Me? I’ll be about 6’7″ with those same heels.
I’ve always really wanted this, but never really thought it would ever happen. Even coming even close, but I’m confident. I want to do something with my life. Why not something I’ve always really actually wanted.
I hope someone actually sees my post amongst these million other ones.
-Lauren Perrotta
Hi Tyra, Big fan of the show I have been waiting for the opportunity to be eligible to be on it. I’m an 18 yr. old current college student with great potential. I’m from Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Height: 5’11
weight: 123 lbs.
I have almond shaped brown eyes, with a peanut butter complexion. I would love to be the next top model if given the chance.
I want to be on top. I think I have what it takes to be on top as America’s Next Top Model of 2013. Please give me all the information! I have missed so many auditions because of school and my dad. I live in St. Louis Missouri. I am going to get an audition this time!!
Your candidate ,
Brittany Briggs
Hello Tyra Banks & Staff,
My name is Amanda Eileen Lopez I’m 20 years old I’m a very outgoing & energetic person. I have always dreamed about becoming a model but I just never knew where to begin. I believe that me being apart of this show will boost my confidence & will be a dream come true. I am very passionate about modeling and dancing. I’m also a very hard worker, this is something that I’ve always wanted and if you pick me to be apart of cycle 20 I’ll work extremely hard to show you that you’ve made a good choice in choosing me. Thank you Tyra for reading this!! Your truley an inspiration to me.
D.O.B: April 12,1992
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120
Bust 32B
Shoe Size: 7
I am so very excited to attempt to be a part of this new diverse season. I am traveling 11 hours to be a contestant and I hope it’s not for nothing. Look forward to meeting all of you soon. 🙂 I plan to take this season by storm.!
Sincerely India
There isnt one definition of beauty. Dashona, age 23
Hello Tyra and fellow members of ANTM! I am very excited and look forward to the great possibilities of the future. I hope to see you soon in any auditioning city I can get to. Much love!
I am an 18 year old, afro american, 5’5 female who loves fashion. I am a very energetic female and will do what it takes to reach my goals. If given the opportunity I will give 150% to fulfill my dream. I have had many obstacles in my life, and I want to prove to myself and my family that I CAN and WILL reach my goals. And I feel if America’s Next Top Model (ANTM) will allow me to audition they will not be disappointed. And if given the opportunity this will enable me to become a spokesperson for foster children, and let them see that they too can capture the stars.
I am interested in becoming a part of the entertainment industry and I think that modeling is a big part of the industry. I have never done professional modeling, but I am an actor and I think that my talent on stage could be useful in a photo shoot. I am about 5’5″ tall and 120 lbs, I have short brown hair, a slender/athletic body, gray eyes and artistic talent. I live in SLC Utah, so I hope there will be an audition near where I live.
Hey tyra! My name is Will, I have always dreamed about being a model. I wake up everyday and amuse in the mirror. Yes girl, I do know male modeling is a bit different, but I do believe I have what it takes. Oddly enough because I am a man, hurtling are my role-model. For many reasons not just because your a supermodel, but because your an amazing person as well. I would love the chance to work with you and meet you of course. Thank you so much.
Hello my name is kesharra weston im 18 years old. If i got the chance to be on this show it would bea dream come true. I have always wanted to model in my eyes its not abou’t the money or being seen its about following my dreams and improving whi am. I have what it takes to be on your show. You have been a role model of mines since i was 10 what you do with girls to not only better them but let people know if you work hard and love what you do you covld be the person you want to be. I hope im consider this would be a dream.
Hello, my name is Rebekah, I am 21 years of age and I am 5’6″-5’7″. I am a little on the chubby side but chubby is beautiful to me, I weigh about 158lbs. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and lots of freckles (and braces). I have watched every season of ANTM and I am a huge fan. I am very artistic and creative so I know I can pose H2T and come up with some good pictures and I have always wanted to have a opportunity to do a runway walk. I come from a verrrry small town called Picayune, MS. Me and my mother always watch ANTM and she always tells me to audition for the show because she thinks I have what it takes. If I was given an opportunity to show what I got I would do it with a BANG! I also come from a not so rich family and the littlest things could make me happy so I couldnt imagine how something huge like this would feel. I also want to thank everyone who has made ANTM possible, because it helps girls like me get out there. But if I made it i wouldnt have to watch out for just the girls its boys now too!@!@!!! but i like competiton it can only make me stronger in the end.
Thank You for this opportunity
I should be Americas Next Top Model because I have the drive it takes to make it to the top. I’ve been to many fashion shows in NYC Fashion Week and have been dreaming of becoming a model ever since. I work hard, am respectful and very dependable. I’ve worked with styling models and now its my turn to become the model.
Hello, I’m Samantha Bisher. I’m 5’5 and 160lbs. Ever since I started watching the show, I’ve wanted to be on it. America’s Next Top Model has inspired so many young girls to become everything they dream of, and I happen to be one of them. Basically all the young women that have been on the show has had a hard life, and I also have been one of them. When I was taking my senior pictures, my photographer realized I was “smizing” and called me out on it. We talked about ANTM the whole time my shoot was being taken. I not only smize in front of a camera but I catch myself doing in when I’m looking in the mirror, walking in the mall(like I’m in a runway), or even when I’m watching the photo shoots on ANTM. I fit the part of being America’s Next Top Model because I would be a role model to all the plus size and petite women in the world that we all have a chance to be all we can be. I want this more than anything! Just keep dreaming. I have the heart, the passion, and the drive to not give up.
Hi my name is Shelby Anderson, I live in Huntington Beach, CA. I’m 5’11” and weigh 125 lbs. I have blonde hair and green eyes and I’m 23 years old. I’ve done a few modeling gigs in the past and I’m a huge fan of ANTM. I’m extremely photogenic and a fun loving easy going person, I don’t know if there are any auditions in CA besides the one in Eureka which is too far for me to go to, but I’m very interested in becoming a contestant on the show. I wanted to see if there aren’t anymore auditions in so cal how I go about sending my video log in. Thanks!
Hi my name is Tatum i am 18 years old and attend Wesley College. I go to college for nursing but my real passion has always been modeling. Since i was little i have been watching ANTM and dreamed of being on it. I am a very outgoing person and easy learner. I have always been told i am a pretty girl but thats not all i want to be, my dream is to go farther with it and have the opportunity to be America’s Next Top Model.
Hi, my name is Jamilah Nelson. I live in a small town Ga. I will be 18 on may 30, 2013. I am 5’4″ and 111 lbs. I’ve wanted to be a model ever since I was little. Most people see me as an athletic person but I want to show people that I can fulfill multiple dreams in my life just by being the best I can and taking every opportunity I can, just like my dream of being on ANTM.
I am a model from England looking to enter the life changing compatition. I belive I am the next top model. Do you have a e mail address that I can send you some pictures to ?
Hope to hear from you
I am shaquille fields .im 5’10 from a small town in Missouri & i always wanted to try out for the show
My name is Josh, I was born in the Philippines half dutch added to that combo. I currently live in Orange county, but moving to New York in a couple of weeks. I do not have much experience but I did get good feedback so I am giving it a shot, I would love to be apart of your show for it is an amazing experience to have. I am 6 foot, 150 pounds with a great body, along with a personality that is to good to pass up to have on your show. Please let me know where any of the auditions are held.
Thank You
Hi Tyra my name is crystal rose Wilson and I was hoping I could be on your show and become America’s next top model I know I have what it takes I’m outgoing loving and is good with people I’m 6’2″ blond hair blue eyes hourglass body medium to long hair I love you Tyra and hope you pick me love crystal
I am 23, 5’8, weight 115
My passion of modeling has always been hidden, I have always wanted to do it and now I finally have the courage to go after my destiny. I have what it takes. I am 18 years old I stand at 5 feet 8 inches and I have little experience with overall modeling but I know I have the potential to be one of the greatest. An ambitious beauty is an understatement for describing me. Thank you and I hope to reintroduce myself soon.
Hi, my name is Sparkle and I absolutely LOVE ANTM!!! I’ve been watching it forever and love Tyra Banks! This show inspires a lot of inspiring models like myself and makes us want to just go after our dream in spite of whatever negativity was thrown our way. I take lovely pictures and look in the mirror plenty of times to learn my angles. I want to show my son that dreams come true if you believe in them. It would be so wonderful to have this opportunity.
Hello all my name is Keyatta. Producers and hopefully Tyra “smiley face” If your reading this that means my dreams are about to come true. Im finally ready to clame my spot in this amazing world of fashion. I’m a real woman with real curves and I love every wind. My mission is to show the world there’s more than one type of model. I would be so grateful just to grace the presence of Ms. TYRA and get some expert tips on my walk. Can’t stop a girl from dreaming!
I always wanted to model ever since the first season. I need this cause I wanna be remember as someone something . I’m tired of feeling like a nobody , wanna be somebody. I really hope that this works out I want my parents to be able to say he my son is America’s Next Top Model. I’m 24 yrs old , should of put that at the beginning . 5’9 175 .